Release 4 of the EMVA Standard 1288 for Adequate Characterization of Modern Image Sensors and Cameras
Webinar from Windays now available for free
In addition, numerous extensions to characterize the latest generation of image sensors and cameras were added including an extended wavelength range from UV to SWIR, camera characterization with lenses, characterization of polarization and multispectral sensors, a decomposition of spatial nonuniformity into column, row, and pixel variations, and the possibility for a direct comparison of linear and nonlinear cameras. The talk will outline the many new and exciting features of release 4.0, which will make the EMVA 1288 standard significantly more useful.
EMVA European Machine Vision Association
Gran Via de Carles III, 84 (3rd floor)
08028 Barcelona
+34 93 220 7201
+34 93 220 7201