Keyword: microscopy


New microscope offers faster, high-resolution brain imaging

30.08.2024 -

Enhanced two-photon microscopy method could reveal insights into neural dynamics and neurological diseases.


Tailoring light with nanomaterials

26.08.2024 -

New microscopy method visualizes nanostructures and their optical properties.


Unifying microscopy and spectral analysis workflows

02.08.2024 -

New end-to-end software solution Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis released.


New microscopes available as public resource draw a crowd to Woods Hole

25.07.2024 -

Two advanced microscopes at the Marine Biological Laboratory were presented at an Open House


Hyperspectral microscopy detects cancerous tissues rapidly

14.06.2024 -

Identifying cancer cells in breast tissue margins using machine learning algorithms trained on hyperspectral dark-field microscopy imaging data.


Fast biopsies with optical technologies

11.06.2024 -

uCAIR project: real-time diagnosis instead of time-consuming biopsy analysis


Switching off the light to see better

03.06.2024 -

Switching fluorescent molecules on and off to create sharper microscope images of cell structures.


Zeiss expands its Innovation Hub in Dresden

17.05.2024 -

Enterprise moves into new premises to further expand research activities in the life sciences and health sector.

Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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inspect award 2024

The voting for the inspect award 2024 is open.

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Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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inspect award 2024

The voting for the inspect award 2024 is open.

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